The success of The In-Sync Diet is down to its evolutionary approach to weight management. It incorporates all the secrets of your ancestors to help you to burn fat and stay lean and toned. Whilst most diets focus on what to eat, The In-Sync Diet also looks at when not to eat and goes beyond simply recommending eating less and exercising more.
The In-Sync Diet is a joint collaboration between actress Glynis Barber and nutritional therapist Fleur Borrelli. Glynis had been a keen advocate of natural health and wellness for many years before she approached Fleur for nutritional advice. Using an ‘evolutionary’ approach to nutrition, Fleur made changes to Glynis’ diet and lifestyle that revolutionised her thinking and The In-Sync Diet was borne.
Together Glynis and Fleur take you through a gradual process of change that promotes the use of body fat as an energy source whilst aligning you with your anti-aging systems. All too often, weight loss diets encourage the breakdown of lean tissue rather than getting rid of excess flab. This may look good on the scales initially but will have serious implications for your ability to keep the pounds off later on and a major cause of unsuccessful yo-yo dieting.
They dispel a number of food myths to help you get the results you are looking for. They explain why eating healthy fat is not only good for you, it may even help you with your fat loss goals. And they show you how, contrary to conventional wisdom, regular consumption of whole grains in so called ‘healthy’ muesli, bread and snack bars could actually be making you fat and inflamed. But whilst most diets focus on what to eat, The In-Sync Diet is unique in that it also looks at when not to eat to get rid of tiredness and fatigue. Sound dietary advice is carefully inter-woven with easy-to-do exercise recommendations of different types, levels and intensities to dramatically increase your energy levels.
Recommendations are based on nourishing traditional foods that can be bought from any supermarket. Learn about foods that are easily digestible and keep you super lean and healthy. We all fall prey to digestive complaints from time to time but it is a little known fact that by damaging our gut we could be wreaking havoc with our hormones. Hormone imbalance can also be a factor in unwanted inches around the middle.
Glynis and Fleur go way beyond simply churning out the usual advice ‘to eat less and exercise more’. They recognize that there may be other factors that are causing you to put on weight and they give you solutions that can be effortlessly applied even with busy lives! The success of The In-Sync Diet is down to its novel evolutionary approach to weight management. It incorporates all the secrets of your ancestors to help you to burn fat and stay lean and toned. You will feel fantastic and be In-Sync!

The best-selling diet book
THE IN-SYNC DIET reached no.1 in category on Amazon UK on it’s launch and also went straight into Amazons’ overall top 10. It made the top 20 in eBooks Health/Mind & Body chart via iTunes UK. It became Waterstones 4th most popular diet book and also made the top 20 on the Independent bookstore overall list.
Available as kindle, paperback or eBook
You can order the eBook from Amazon UK , and the paper back from Amazon UK, Book Depository or Waterstones.
Also available in branches of Waterstones throughout the UK.
The book is also now available on websites across the world.
Comments 64
Hi Glynis
Will your book only be available on Kindle? I love the feel of a book.
Will I totally have to cut out pasta?
Does the book give tips on eating out, alcohol and adapting for family meals, especially young children?
I have an under active thyroid due to an ovarian cyst operation 5 years ago and have put on on weight around the middle. So would I benefit from your book?
hi Glynis , is this book just aimed at women?
Hi Glynis,
I’ve just been watching you and fleur on This Morning, you look amazing. I am very interested in your new book.
I’m 53 menopausal and don’t seem to be able to shift my excess weight, regardless of what I do. I am probably 141b overweight.
I cycle 3 to 4 times per week and attend 2 body pump classes, and I Consider myself fairly active.
I’m going to buy your book in the hope cleaner eating will help.
Hi, saw you on ITV this morning, silly question but will the book have meal plans / recipes etc. Many thanks, Angela
Cant wait to get your book.Will you be doing book signings in North East England?, as Im unable to travel toLondon is to far for me
I brought your book yesterday and started it immediately, I finished it this morning and Ian hooked I am starting the diet tomorrow !!
Whom can I contact to purchase your books in Bulk wholesale in excess of 3k?
read the book today starting the diet tomorrow cannot wait to get started I feel so over weight and suffering health issues so watch this space x
Hi, the only book store in my local area Hamilton in South Lanarkshire is WH Smith who so far are not stocking The In-Sync Diet or have it available to order. Can you please get onto them for me, thank you x x
I went to Waterstones this evening (30 April) as I wanted to purchase your book, but was told they had not received it yet as there was a delay with the publishers. Any truth in this, or should I try a different bookseller?
Hi, as a veggie will I have plenty of options?
Glynis, is the book suitable for vegetarians? There is no mention at all about this in the marketing script. Thanks
I have irritable bowel syndrome and am lactose intolerant. Will this book help at all?
I’m type 2 diabetic would this diet help with sugar levels, keeping them stable and no spikes or crashes. Thanks
Hi Glynis, is this suitable for vegetarians? Thank you!
The book is great – but can you advise on protein
sources for a vegan please? Thank you
Can order online at The Book Depository …… They do FREE delivery
Hi Glynis
Have recently purchased your book as a download. A very interesting read particularly as I have gut problems myself which I’m hoping this approach may go some way towards eliminating or at least improving my symptoms. Just wondering why bananas (i’m guessing too high in carbs?) and pineapple are omitted from the fruit list.
I left a comment regarding your book, the fruits included and the absence of bananas and pineapple. However it appears to have been removed. Is there a reason for this?
Life without bread and pasta…???!!! :O Are there alternatives like breads from less gut reactive grains, or pasta from corn etc? I find these products in healthfood shops nearby, so they are available. What are your thoughts on this before I go out and buy your book?
I am a pescetarian…would this be ok for me..I am peri menopausal and 49 with a lot of weight to shift..I do Zumba, bootcamp, Zumba toning and can’t seem to shift any weight
Hello Glynis, I’m breastfeeding my 7 month old daughter so I do not want to go on a diet (don’t believe in them anyway). I want to follow a routine to ensure I am eating healthy foods to nourish my body and stop my sugar cravings. However I still need the energy to continue feeding and lead an active life (2 sons as well), is this book good for me at the moment? Thanks.
Hi, I have a yeast, dairy and fruit intolerance. Would the book of benefit to me still.
I started the 2 day Cleanse on Sat and did my usual weigh in on the Monday and have lost 5lbs!! Now 3 days into Phase 1 and feel amazing – can’t wait to re-measure and weight myself after the 2 weeks 🙂
I have bought the book , it certainly seems to make sense, but I can’t work out how to join the FB page, it says to Message her but it will only let me ‘join ‘ and its pending , from the book i had understood I had to message her with some password….could someone help me?
Have bought the book on Kindle once read will be starting the diet so wish me luck
What if I omitted the two day vegetable cleanse Would I still achieve the same result eventually
Hello, I’m almost starstruck to post here. I’m smack dab in the middle of the 1983 Hound of the Baskervilles and was floored by your beautiful entrance on the horse. I’m in awe of how scintillatingly beautiful you look today!
And it just so happens that I’ve been slowly awakening to my poor eating habits. I’m an amateur road cyclist and mtn biker by nature, but I trail run 5k every few days and do long walks in between. I haven’t quite altered my diet, because I like to see how things work like that. I’m slowly losing weight that I’ve gained over the summer, but now it’s time to reign in the sugars (soda) and Qdobas and Subways.
So I’m absolutely fascinated that looking you up has led to discovering this book. I’ve read most of the comments above and I see that you and your publishers are working on getting print copies for stores; will you eventually have these books available in the US? I’m in Colorado and would love to have my hands on a copy to keep in the kitchen.
God Bless you Glynis, thank you for appearing on my screen, haha. And btw, I simply adore the movie, I love everything Holmesian and I love these smaller, but more fun productions. (I also noticed you were in The Wicked Lady, I assume a remake of one of my favorite films ever. I’ll check it out too.)
I have just bought your book and am all ready to start the cleanse tomorrow. I already eat a reasonably healthy diet and exercise but am a terrible sugar addict. I turn 50 next year and have really noticed I’m filling out around the middle and no matter what I do cannot seem to shift it. I’m hoping that this is what I need! I want to ask can I go straight from the cleanse to skipping breakfast daily, rather than just 2 to 3 days? Feel I could do with shocking my body into doing something!
its NOT available on kindle
No The In-Sync Diet is no longer available as a book or kindle. It is now only available as an online plan at theinsyncdiet.com. A far superior version with videos, more recipes and lost of photos!