Glynis with bronze beauty gadget

My biggest time-saving beauty trick

Glynis BarberBeauty, Hair Leave a Comment

Hello magazine asked me to write about my best time-saving trick. It was a no-brainer for me to talk about this amazing curling tong that has transformed how I do my hair.

A bad hair day is a bad day full stop. No matter what you wear or what makeup you have on, if your hair isn’t right, you’re just not going to feel right.

So, when I’m in a hurry, my priority is always my hair. Now, I’m not talking perfectly tidy or styled or anything fancy here. It just has to be flattering. Thank goodness messy hair is a thing as I have very little ability when it comes to styling.

What it boils down to is a good haircut and an easy-to-use gadget

My hair has a slight wave in it. As I’m no good at blow drying, when I wash my hair, I just twist it in strands to help accentuate the curl and then scrunch it with a towel. I then blow hot air on it to dry.  This is quick and fuss-free. I’m left with a natural beachy wave. Perfect. But only for a day.

The next day it’s flattened with hardly any wave and often a little frizzy due to the curling product I use which can dry it out.  This used to mean washing it all over again or going out with an unflattering mop (I once went like this to an audition and the casting director said to me “that’s very brave of you”).

And then I discovered a funny-looking, bobbled curling wand

I was scrolling though Instagram and saw it on my feed and it looked fool proof. I’m no good with traditional curling tongs but this one is super easy. It’s by Lee Stafford and it has bobbles all the way down. You just wrap your hair round each bobble for a few seconds and you get a loose wave. It so easy even I can do it. This gadget has been life changing. It means I can revive my curls for many days after washing it. Even by doing just a few strands of hair, it gives my hair a lovely loose curl.

Two minutes and I’m ready to go.

However, I’m absolutely shocked to say they no longer seem to make it! They’ve replaced it with a Multi Depth Wave -Styler which I have to say looks good too. I may have to try it.  You can check out out yourself:

Lee Stafford

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